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New Democracy attacks SYRIZA over Lapavitsas statements

New Democracy has attacked SYRIZA for statements made by economist Costas Lapavitsas to the BBC.

The secretary of New Democracy, Andreas Papamimikos said that Mr. Lapavitsas is just saying the same as said by ND and foreign analysts, institutional bodies, and serious economists. That is, that the program of SYRIZA does not provide the funding sources and the holds positions that will lead the country out of the euro and into ongoing political and social instability.

Mr. Papamimikos said Mr. Lapavitsas confessed that if SYRIZA applies what it says, this will lead to an explosion and collision with the EU, provoking essentially the dissolution of the party and acknowledging that the financing of the Thessaloniki program is "up in the air ".

London based Greek economics professor Costas Lapavitsas, has been advising the Radical Left Coalition SYRIZA on its economy programme for the upcoming elections. Lapavitsas' candidacy for the next parliament with the opposition was announced a few days ago.

Last week, the economics professor was in the London BBC World studios, as a guest of the BBC renowned political show Hardtalk. He was question by the show's presenter Stephen Sackur about SYRIZA's plan to ask for a Greek debt write off.

Lapavitsas claimed that a majority of Greece’s debt will have to be written off. He acknowledged that the task would be very difficult for a new SYRIZA government, but added that he was counting on a rally that would lead to a summit about European debt.

When asked what percentage of the debt he should be written-off, he said that two thirds of the Greek debt should go, if the country were to reach Maastricht treaty debt levels. Acknowledging the difficulty of such an undertaking, he ended up saying the agreed upon write-off  should be as big as possible.

Source: BBC News

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