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Piraeus steps up measures for Embbola

The Port of Piraeus will be implementing additional checks to identify crew members who may have been exposed to the Ebola virus.

Specifically every cargo vessel arriving at the port or anchored offshore will be required to send a special form to be filled out by the captain before disembarkation and unloading of the vessel will be permitted.

The form will require ship captains to give details of their recent voyages, including not only the point of departure but listing in detail all of the intermediate stops made by the ship including stops to resupply ship provisions.

In this way port officials will be able to identify any stops made that may have exposed crew members to the Ebola virus. Only recent stops will be considered significant given that the maximum incubation time of the virus is not believed to exceed 21 days.

In the event that there are indications that a member of the crew may have become infected by the virus, the Center of Disease Control and Prevention will be notified as well as emergency services who will act in accordance with the protocol established by the Health Ministry’s National Strategy for preventing the spread of the virus.

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