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MoD offers Easter fare for needy

A solidarity Easter lunch for citizens affected by the economic crisis was offered the Defense Ministry and the Armed Forces in the Greek Army Park in Goudi.


The Easter table  was blessed by the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Hieronymus.

In his message to attendees the Archbishop reminded that Easter means passage from slavery to freedom, from darkness to light, from falsehood to truth, from ugliness to beauty.

Still, he wished "all fighting in unity to go through the difficult moments for the country to be able to make our lives more beautiful, better." "The message of the resurrection, the message of hope, csn not be dshed out no matter how much some may want to," added the Archbishop.

"We continue to believe in hope and this faith in hope and the Light of the Resurrection we will move on towards tomorrow," said Minister of National Defence Panos Kammenos.

Alternate Minister of Defence Costas Isihos stated that "the world can now begin to smile, as the days and times for our country change. I think today we can talk about the rebirth and the hopes of our people," he concluded.

The Archbishop and the political and military leadership of the Ministry of Defense cracked Easter eggs and chatted with citizens and together listened to songs from various regions of the country from the band of the Armed Forces and Thanasis Polykandriotis.

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