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Panousis: Tsipras was mesmerized by Varoufakis

Former Deputy Citizen Protection Minister Yannis Panousis listed a series of mistakes that Alexis Tsipras made during his seven-month tenure as prime minister.

These included the fascination exercised over him by Yanis Varoufakis, the placement of Konstantopoulou Life as President of Parliament and tangling ideology with governance.

Mr. Panousis said: "Tsipras is a young man with popular roots. Varoufakis told him about Galbraith and economic theories and Tsipras was captivated and somewhere lost control, although many told him that it was a wrong choice," noted Mr. Panousis.

Noting the attitude of the former Minister of Finance from a psychological perspective, he observed that "people who are so narcissistic and arrogant in the end turn out to be the center of their own attention.” "Since you are the center, you will play games with other centers," Panousis added meaningfully.

Mr. Panousis was similarly critical about the choice of Zoi Konstantopoulou, which he said was wrong, referring to the fact that her conduct was not properly weighed prior to final selection.

As for the mistakesof the Tsipras government over the last seven months, he said "it confused governance with ideology."

At the same time he advocated the formation of a grand coalition government after the elections and respect for the Memorandum saying that "we should realize it, get it done within three years and move on."

He called Kouvelis'decision to run in the elections with SYRIZA a deadly mistake for posterity, and observed that in these elections we have the phenomenon that there are two PASOK, two DIMARs, and two SYRIZAs, "each party has become its own mirror image."

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