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Caretaker government achieves 'small miracle' in managing arriving migrants

The caretaker government achieved a small miracle in its handling of migration flows, caretaker Interior Minister Antonis Manitakis commented on Tuesday. He noted that in just 15 days, the caretaker government had managed to register and safely channel an uncontrolled flow of some 29,000 arriving refugees in an atmosphere of humanity and solidarity, without elements of racism and xenophobia.

"Greece, as a member of the EU, did everything within its power in the framework of European treaties. I believe that Europe must now recognise the efforts we made, responding and assisting this work so that we can deal with this in cooperation with the EU. It is a huge issue that we cannot face alone," Manitakis said, commenting on the  EU Justice and Home Affairs Council held in Brussels on Monday.

He also thanked the Greek police force and coast guard for their "superhuman efforts", in collaboration with the Greek armed forces and the fire brigade, in order to register the arriving migrants, transport to safety and to create reception hubs.
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