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Tsipras vows to restore Greece's position in EU

Newly sworn-in Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras pledged on Monday to do everything in his power to help Greece exit the economic crisis and restore it as an equal partner in the EU, during a meeting with Vassiliki Thanou, who served as caretaker premier in the pre-election period. 

"I believe our country can come out of this difficult situation of the last five years and this is our commitment. To do everything in our power for the country and its people to exit this difficult situation and to make it strong again, an equal partner in the European Union and its people proud and dignified,” Tsipras told Thanou. 

He then commended her for the work completed by the caretaker government which despite its brevity was “effective and efficient”. “You handled a tense situation with the refugee crisis and managed impeccably all current issues,” he noted, while adding that she made history by being the first female prime minister. 
Vassiliki Thanou congratulated Tsipras on his victory. “Once again, the people have surrounded you with their trust and have assigned you the governance of the country at a particularly crucial time, as you’re called to undertake the difficult task of implementing the reforms that have been voted, to drive the country out of the crisis and restore economic growth,” Thanou told Tsipras.
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