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Tsipras: Europe needs to promote growth, employment

Europe must not be trapped in a state of inertia but instead respond to the needs of its citizens by tackling first the economic crisis with policies boosting growth and employment, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told the European Council President Donald Tusk in a call on Tuesday.

Tusk called Tsipras as part of his contacts with EU leaders ahead of the unofficial European Council meeting in Bratislava on September 16.
According to the prime minister’s office, Tsipras told Tusk it is necessary to increase the funds available through the “Juncker package” and allow for greater fiscal flexibility, by making some exceptions from the Stability and Growth Pact that will improve social cohesion and promote employment.
Tsipras also told Tusk the need to promote a comprehensive policy on migration and asylum to better manage the increased refugee and migration flows of the past two years, as well as strengthen the EU’s international role in dealing with security challenges in the region with diplomatic initiatives and closer cooperation between relevant authorities.

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