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Greek issue to dominate Eurogroup afternoon meeting on Dec 5

The Greek issue will dominate the afternoon meeting of Eurogroup on December 5, which is expected to start at 16.00.

According to the announcement of the EU Council, the finance ministers of the eurozone will be briefed by the institutions on the course of the second programme review, following the negotiations held in Athens in mid-November.
"Based on the progress achieved within the framework of the second programme review, the Eurogroup is expected to return to the issue of the measures related to the debt and the IMF participation in the Greek programme," according to the same announcement. It added that the main issues of the second programme review are Greece's budget for 2017, the medium-term strategy and the labour market reforms.
On May 25, a comprehensive agreement for Greece was achieved, as it was explained in the announcement, terms for the first programme review and the measures for the sustainability of the debt.

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