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FinMinTsakalotos calls for social balance in Greece's reform process

Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and Labour Minister Efi Achtsioglou, who were addressing a conference in Berlin on Thursday, spoke of Greece's economic and social situation and the discussions of the Greek government with the international creditors.

The Greek Finance Minister said he was disappointed by Greece's creditors and called on for social balance in the reform process of the country. Tsakalotos referred to the great progress made in the implementation of the current programme. The Greek government, he said, has a "clear plan" for the recapitalization of banks and has implemented a number of reforms provided for in the agreement of summer 2015.
The prosperity of Greece and Europe depends on the participation of vulnerable social groups in the development, otherwise our continent will face "great difficulties, Tsakalotos underlined.
The Finance Minister reiterated that there should be a balance between the interests of creditors and those of the Greek people, who have made a lot of sacrifices in the past six to seven years. Referring to the Christmas bonus to 1.6 million pensioners, as well as the postponement of the VAT increase on certain islands of the eastern Aegean, he criticized by some EU countries. As he said, given the progress made regarding the reforms, Europe must give the Greek government the opportunity to take such measures.

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