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Loverdos: Special court for the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia

DISY party spokesperson Andreas Loverdos stated that he fully agrees with the issue of the special court on the sale of military equipment to Saudi Arabia through an intermediary, which was debated yesterday in Parliament.

"The infidelity is that the Greek state was damaged by acts and omissions," Loverdos said in an interview with SKAI.

He also said that everyone in the government knew the mediator Papadopoulos and added that "the only new thing said yesterday in the House is that they struck at diplomats Mr. Clavatos and Mr. Polychroniou".

Mr. Loverdos announced new document revelations on the issue, commenting that "the government covered the defense ministry".

"Their choice to support their partner was confirmed. Tsipras burned diplomats to save Kammenos," the DISY spokesman said.

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