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Republika GornaMakedonija is the possible new name for FYROM

Republika GornaMakedonija (Republic of Upper Macedonia) is the name of the neighboring country that is ultimately tabled for a solution to the FYROM name issue, according to information in the press.

Reliable sources assure that out of the four names proposed by Matthew Nimetz, Republika GornaMakedonija (Republic of Upper Macedonia) is favored by both sides. The Greek side managed to tender the name not only to be Slavic but to be spoken as a single word "GornaMakedonija", so that the word "Macedonia" never exists in the name.

The same sources state that the Skopje side had initially called for the name Republika Nova Makedonija, while the Greek side had suggested that the neighboring country be called Republika Vardarska Makedonija (Republic of Macedonia of Vardar). A third solution was chosen from Nimetz's package of proposals, the Republic of Gorna-Makedonia (Upper Macedonia) agreed by both countries.

The information shows that the Greek-FYROM pact has already been elaborated by both countries and they have agreed on everything: an agreement will be signed in the near future on the name, the constitution change and the redemptions. The agreement will explicitly state that FYROM will change the Constitution and make redundant irridentist articles within a certain period of time.

The agreement will also describe in detail the economic and development relations of the two countries. Sources familiar with the dossier say that "FYROM will evolve into a canton of Greece, with special development clauses, economic and commercial transactions."

By 20 March, the agreement will be deposited with the UN, the sources say.

They add, in fact, that a solution has also been found to the issue of the Church. The self-proclaimed and unrecognized "Macedonian" Church, which had previously attempted to seek recognition from other Orthodox Churches, will be referred to as the "Archbishopric of Ohrid", thus abandoning all irredentist aspirations. This solution has been discussed between Alexis Tsipras and the Archbishop at their recent meeting, and Mr Ieronymos is in agreement.

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