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Pre-requisites bill passed in parliament amid heated debate

The pre-requisites for the fourth evaluation were passed in Parliament with 154 votes out of a total of 298 Mps, while 54 "yes" 144 MPs voted against .

The ENFIA property tax provisions went through with 154 "yes", while they gathered 138 "no".

Dimitris Kammenos, speaking with journalists, insisted he had voted against the ENFIA ruling. The ... mystery of who voted in favor of this provision and will be resolved through the minutes when they are released.

In fact, MPs do not seem to be familiar with the electronic voting system, but other problems appear to be faced by the House and the electronic system as not all articles of the omnibus bill on the electronic screen were voted on by the MPs. As a result, four articles have not been voted by 20 Members and the vote was interrupted in order for MPs who did not vote to return to the plenary to vote.

In subsequent statements, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras referred to a "historic moment" for Greece, as entailed in the coming exit from the memorandum era.

He also said the latest bailout-related legislation is the "result of negotiations with the institutions (Greece's creditors), which for the past eight years have directed (Greek) governments' decisions ... today we are voting, for the last time, on measures for the last review of the last program."

On his part, main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis was, as expected, caustic with his political rival, saying the Tsipras government "ends its tenure the way it began: with lies".

Mitsotakis also referred to a "fourth memorandum without financing... the second consecutive one that bears the signatures Tsipras, Kammenos," the latter a reference Defense Minister Panos Kammenos, the head of the rightist-populist Independent Greeks' (AN.EL) party.

The president of the main opposition party of New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, also announced that he will formally make the motion of censure against the government for the agreement reached between Athens & Skopje on the name dispute.

As the House Speaker announced, the debate on the censure would begin at 18:00.

According to information, there were intense talks between the government and the House Speaker, so that the discussion of that the motion of censure will be debated in an “express” procedure, so that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will go to Prespes on Sunday morning to sign the agreement with his FYROM counterpart Zoran Zaev.

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