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FAZ: Greece will be spared interest of 34 billion euros over the next decade

The German Finance Ministry estimates the cost of new measures to alleviate the Greek debt at 34 billion euros, according to a FAZ newspaper article.

In particular, the German ministry's decision-makers estimate the cost of the additional interest payment extended to € 34 billion, which was agreed at the Eurogroup in June.

This is because the repayment of interest will begin after 2033, burdening German public funds.

The German Ministry of Finance's estimates came to light after a relevant question by a Liberal Party MP (FDP).

As FAZ notes, on 1 August the Bundestag Budget Committee will examine the Greek issue, with FDP and AFD (Alternative for Germany) expected to vote against the Eurogroup agreement.

After all, according to the two opposition parties, the new measures on debt are essentially a "haircut".

For its part, the Christian Democratic Party (CDU) rejects these allegations, specifying that the new measures are neither a "haircut" nor a fourth aid program.

At the same time, speaking to the German newspaper, the head of the European Economic Research Center, Friedrich Heineman, pointed out that lasting extensions to interest payments actually constitute a "postponement of bankruptcy".

On the other hand, much of the loan will probably have to be written off.

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