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Turkish embassy celebrates Turkish national holiday in Athens

With the long standing reception at a central Athens hotel, the Turkish embassy in Greece celebrated the 95th anniversary of the declaration of the Republic of Turkey.

The Turkish ambassador to Athens Yasar Halit Tsevik, together with his wife, welcomed their guests from the political, diplomatic, economic, cultural, military and academic world of the country, as well as Greeks from Constantinople.

Voicing his last speech as Turkey's Ambassador to Greece, as Yasar Halit Tsevik completed his term of office in Greece and his diplomatic career, obviously moved, he said it was a special day for him on a personal level.

"Greece has an important and valuable place in my life. I devoted an important part of my career to Greek-Turkish relations. Previously I served in Athens in the early 1990s as an advisor to the embassy and now I bid farewell to this beautiful city, but this time as an ambassador," he said.

Then, based on this experience, he shared his comments on Greek-Turkish relations. "Turkey and Greece are two neighboring countries with a common history and, most importantly, a common future. It is no secret that we have important bilateral issues that we can not ignore. But as allies, each country is aware of the importance of the other country, "he noted, pointing out that there was a tremendous opportunity for cooperation between the two countries. In this context, he stressed the need to continue efforts to find viable solutions to these problems.

The reception was attended by, among others, Education Ministers Kostas Gavroglou, Deputy Foreign Minister Markos Bolaris, SYRIZA deputy speaker Nikos Xydakis, ND Foreign Minister George Koumoutsakos and former ministers Panagiotis Kourouplis and Olga Kefalogianni. The President of the Bank of Greece, Giannis Stournaras, the President of the Ecumenical Federation of Constantinopolites Nikolaos Ouzounoglou and the Honorary President of the Imbrian Association, and the Deputy Chairman of the Constantinopolitan Confederation of the Federation Michalis Mavropoulos, also gave this present.

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