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ND leader Mistotakis blasts PM Tsipras in closing speech at party Convention

New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis called on all Greeks to join in on a pan-Hellenic national vision for the rebirth of the country during his speech at the 12th party convention, Sunday.

Mr Mitsotakis accused PM Tsipras of trying to sow division among the Greeks through his rhetoric.

“I will let him sink into his own swamp,” he underlined and criticized him for the Prespes Agreement, saying that Mr Tsipras had not “saved Macedonia” as he had claimed in his speech in Thessaloniki on Saturday.

“We are ready to turn our backs on the past and change the future. Ready to take the helm of the country with our compass aiming towards the national interest, with society being the hull of our vessel, the wind of optimism and self-confidence in our sails”, he said.

He went on to say ND was ready with the vote of the majority to form a government for all Greeks, with the most worthy in charge. Let this optimistic message go everywhere. “We are ready for the great battle, along with all the Greeks ”

“The victory of ND will be the victory of shinning Greece”, he added, noting that ND is ready to unite all Greeks as it did in every previous election victory
“We put the unity of New Democracy above all”, was the first message sent by Kyriakos Mitsotakis in his speech closing the proceedings of the New Democracy conference.

After having thanked the President of the conference Vangelis Meimarakis he went on to thank the delegates who packed the center.

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