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Second round of Greece-U.S. Strategic Dialogue launched on Monday

Featured Second round of Greece-U.S. Strategic Dialogue launched on Monday

The second round of Greece-United States Strategic Dialogue began on Monday in the wake of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's visit to Athens, which marked an upgrade of the Defence Agreement with Greece.

A series of bilateral consultations were held between senior Greek and U.S. officials on a wide range of issues, including security, energy, trade, the economy, investment, culture and education.

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Philip Reeker announced the start of the proceedings.

The Greece-US Strategic Dialogue includes security and defence issues, as the two countries' close cooperation within NATO has now been upgraded through the updated Defence Agreement, as both sides continue to underline their excellent operational cooperation. 

Citizen Protection ministry meeting with visiting US officials in context of Greece-US Strategic Dialog

Citizen Protection Ministry officials met with a delegation of United States representatives on Monday in the framework of the Greece-US Strategic Dialog and discussed security and the international aspect of the migration-refugee issue.

The meeting was preceded by a bilateral meeting between Citizen Protection Minister Michalis Chryssochoidis and Alternate Minister responsible for migration issues Giorgos Koumoutsakos, and Chad Wolf, US Department of Homeland Security undersecretary of strategy, policy and plans.

According to a ministry statement, the two sides confirmed their collaboration and agreed on Koumoutsakos' visit to Washington which will be scheduled through the diplomatic channels.

Education Minister Kerameus: 'It is time to make Greece an international education hub'

Education Minister Niki Kerameus and deputy ministers met on Monday with US Department of State Assistant Secretary of European and Eurasian Affairs Philip T. Reeker and US Ambassador to Greece Geoffrey Pyatt, in the framework of the second round of Greece-United States Strategic Dialogue.

"We are investing in the extroversion of the Greek education system, with two targets in mind: on the one hand, to expand the opportunities of Greek students and the country's institutions towards international synergies, on the other hand, to attract foreign students to Greek universities," said Kerameus. 

"It is time to broaden our country's educational horizons and render it an international education hub," she concluded. 

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: 'We want Greece to lead the Balkans'

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke of Cyprus' Exclusive Economic Zone as an area where international law will be applied, and underlined that every country must recognize how "the US always does what needs to be done to protect its business interests and its people," speaking to SKAI news station. 

"In a broader context," Pompeo added, "we care to see the Balkans stabilized, this being an area full of challenges and we want to see Greece lead in that respect. We want this fresh start with the new Prime Minister (Kyriakos Mitsotakis) and his team to lead the region forward and create stability throughout the region."

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