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OECD report shows alarming poverty in Greece

17.9% of Greeks, twice as many as the level before the crisis, does not have enough money to purchase food, something not observed, even in countries with much lower per capita GDP, like Brazil, or China.

This is the gist of data presented in the OECD's Society at a Glance 2014 study that highlights the dramatic loss of income that Greek families suffered in the period 2007- 2012. It's indicative that the average loss to income per capita is approximately 4,400 euros which is the highest loss among OECD members, and four times higher than Eurozone countries.

The picture is compounded by the exorbitant rise in unemployment and the structural deficiencies of the social security system, which although absorbing 30% of public spending did not target those most needing help. It is indicative that only Greece and Italy, among OECD members, do not have a minimum guaranteed income.

The data on employment is revealing showing that families with no income have doubled, as one in five adults lives in a household with no one employed. The report notes that that economic growth will not quickly defuse the social crisis, and calls on Greek authorities to take measures to support the weakest social groups.

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