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Call For Greece to Quit EU Presidency

Two German ruling coalition MPs have demanded the abdication of Greece from the Presidency of the EU, which it is slated to undertake, in January 2014, on the basis of the burden of the cost on the beleaguered Greek economy.

"Greece should forgo the programmed presidency for 2014," stated two deputies belonging to the CDU and FDP parties respectively, noting that the six month rotating presidency would cost Greece 100 million euros, it hasn't got.

Klaus-Peter Willsch of the CDU told Bild newspaper that Greece should have postponed the presidency, otherwise there will have to be another support package. Liberal FDP party deputy Frank Schefler was of the same opinion, asking for the voluntary withdrawal of Greece from the presidency.

However, the head of the socialist group in the European Parliament, Hanes Svoboda also asked of Greece to quit the presidency citing that the Greek presidency would be unacceptable given the violence being perpetrated by Golden Dawn. The comments were made in the wake of the murder of Petros Fyssas.