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Pope and patriarch are "brothers"

“When the Pope refers to the Ecumenical Patriarch ηε does not refer to a friend, but a brother. And indeed, Peter and Andrew were brothers,” Vatican press spokesman Father Federico Lombardy, referring to the pontiff's visit to Ankara and Istanbul told ANA-MPA.


Pope Francis' trip starts today with his arrival in Ankara and in accordance with the official program, tomorrow (Saturday) he will officiate at a service in the Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Istanbul and will attend an ecumenical prayer in the Church of Saint George in Fener.

On Saturday, Pope Francis will have a private meeting with Patriarch Bartholomew and Sunday the Pntiff and the Ecumenical Patriarch will celebrate the Patronal Feast of St. Andrew and will sign a joint declaration.

Referring also to the close relationship that unites the two religious leaders, father Lombardy emphasized that “every time I have seen them talk together, the ultimate intimacy and cordiality were very obvious, and the will is to communicate to other people and society this deep harmony of feelings, moods and orientations. "

'In the decision of the Pope to make this trip, a key role was played by the willingness to support and further strengthen the fraternal relationship with the Ecumenical Patriarch,” said the spokesman of the Holy See.

Regarding the goal of unity of Christians and especially Catholics and Orthodox, father Lombardy said: “The common desire and effort is aimed at uniting, so that they can respond to the will of Jesus, this is the primal reason why the meetings of Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew take place.”

The representative of the Vatican noted that there are, “all the different forms in which the Christian faith is manifested: the palpable charity services to the poor and the weaker, efforts for peace, justice and the protection of nature. With these various forms of Christian action one comes across, in everyday life, and in this way, the joy and satisfaction of a common path towards union, increases even more.”

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