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Mardas sees agreement with lenders on Wednesday

Alternate Finance Minister Dimitris Mardas in statements to MEGA TV said that he sees an agreement with the lenders on Wednesday. He estimated that the lenders are not going to delay the negotiations.

Tsipras crosses swords with Samaras during parliamentary plenum

Prime Minister Tsipras “attacked” the opposition, during his speech in Parliament on the discussion of the list of reforms presented to European partners. Alexis Tsipras said the previous government left “empty coffers” and plundered both pensioners and salaried employees, while leaving tax dodgers at peace.

Ενίσχυση δημοτικότητας Τσίπρα και Καμμένου

Σημαντική ενίσχυση παρουσιάζει η δημοτικότητα του πρωθυπουργού Αλέξη Τσίπρα και του προέδρου των ΑνΕλ Πάνου Καμμένου, σύμφωνα με δημοσκόπηση που διενήργησε το Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας για λογαριασμό του ΣΚΑΙ.