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IKA chief charged with perfidy

The head of social security fund IKA Rovertos Spyropoulos is facing charges of felonious perfidy against the state after lifting an order to confiscate money owed by a firm to the fund.

The head of social security fund IKA Rovertos Spyropoulos is facing heavy charges of perfidy against the state to a felonious degree in conjunction with articles of law 1608/50 concerning misappropriation of public funds that foresees sentencing of up to life imprisonment, after being so charged by the special prosecutor for corruption.

According to the case file, the head of IKA seems to have rescinded an order to confiscate the bank accounts of northern Greek supermarket chain, in September 2013, resulting in a non-payment of 18.25 million euros owed by the company in past social security dues, causing loss to the state.

The case was opened by prosecutor Eleni Raikou that ordered an investigation, after which judicial authorities, yesterday ordered the prosecution of Mr Spyropoulos. The prosecutors are also asking for the prosecution of company executives on charges of accessory before the fact, meaning that they somehow convinced, or bribed him to act in their company's interest.

In his deposition Mr Spyropoulos explained that he ordered the lifting of confiscation so the company could take care of debts accrued, like employee wages, and debt regulation, in order to forestall its shutdown, and thus conserve job positions, adding that his actions were foreseen by law.

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