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U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European & Eurasian Affairs Holds Athenian Meetings

United States Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland traveled to Athens yesterday and held meetings with senior Hellenic government delegates.

Nuland remarked that the meetings, which examined a variety of regional and bilateral matters, were "very good," according to the U.S. Embassy in Athens. The Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs met with Prime Minister Alexis Tspiras, Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, and Defense Minister Panos Kammenos.

Nuland commented that the U.S. would like Greece to exit from its financial turmoils in a more stable and stronger manner. The Assistant Secretary emphasized that the U.S. wants Greece to grow and prosper. Nuland added that America hopes Greece is "able to make a good deal with the institutions."

The Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs also examined defense and security concerns, the anti-ISIL coalition, Ukraine, and energy matters during her stay in the Greek capital. Noland discussed Russian sanctions and further added that the U.S. is "very gratified that we've had solidarity between the EU and the U.S., and that Greece has played its role in helping to build consensus."

(Source: U.S. Embassy Athens)
(Photo Source: U.S. Embassy Athens)

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