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Obama Signs Two Equal Pay Mandates

Today, President Obama authorized two executive decisions directed at enhancing current equal pay mandates.

Both laws may allow colleagues to know how much their coworkers earn, resulting in a fair compensation analysis. The action arrived on what is termed, "Equal Pay Day" and is a portion of the President's quest for women to earn the equivalent of men, regarding equal work and equal pay.

Prior to signing the laws, Obama declared,"Today I'm going to take executive action to make it easier for working women to earn fair pay...Pay secrecy fosters discrimination and we shouldn't tolerate it". The newly mandated quotas will only be applicable to federal contracted businesses, however the President has recommended Congress to broaden protections to all U.S. employees.

The first act prevents federal contracts from retaliating, firing or demoting workers who discuss pay. The second presidential memorandum act calls on the Secretary of Labor to gather compensation data, from federal contractors that contain race and sex makeups. The goal of the laws are to create an enhanced productive work environment and even voluntary compliance.

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