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Al Sharpton's Revealed FBI & NYPD Involvement

Today, Reverend Al Sharpton discussed his participation in a 1980s FBI-NYPD examination.

Sharpton claimed he went to the government seeking protection, after music industry thugs menaced him. At a news forum, the Reverend commented, "They were threatening to kill me...I did the right thing and would do it again".

Tabloids are calling him "Rev. Rat". Sharpton reacted to these claims by stating, "I was not and am not a rat, because I wasn't with the rats. I'm a cat. I chased rats". Yesterday, The Smoking Gun website stated that it has a ton of FBI notes and confidential court documents describing in detail, the Reverend's connection with the officials.

The articles state that Sharpton was a secret informant and slyly used a bugged briefcase to record mob dialogue. The Reverend admitted that, "The conversations were recorded", but that he never wore wires. Sharpton confessed to collaborating with the FBI, but was never an informant. The only embarrassing part of this revelation to Sharpton, is that the dated photos show him heavier. He said, "Because a lot of my younger members didn't know how fat I was".

Reverend Al Sharpton further added regarding the FBI, "...came in 1982, '83, after Don King tried to entrap me in a drug deal that didn't work...Then seven months later, when I was threatened by members of the mob because I was saying that a lot of concerts should be going to black artists, and I went after them. I was threatened. I called these FBI guys back, since some of the guys were from California, and told them these are the kind of things they ought to be investigating."

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