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Turkish Protestors Scream “Biden Get Out”

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's stay in Turkey was met by opposition over the weekend, as approximately 300 people demonstrated in Istanbul while he made his way to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Demonstrators shouted, "Biden get out. This country is ours," according to the Washington Times. The American VP didn't witness the protest that was orchestrated by the Youth Association of Turkey.

Last week, the Association screamed "Yankee, go home!" to three U.S. Navy sailors and threw red paint at them, while attempting to cover their heads with white sacks. The Navy members did not suffer any injuries and were delegates from the USS Ross, which is a guided-missile destroyer that was anchored in the Black Sea in a Bosphorus Strait inlet.

Earlier in Istanbul, Vice President Joe Biden announced humanitarian aid in the amount of almost $135 million dollars to assist in nourishing civilians plagued by Syria's war, totaling the amount of U.S. aid to over $3 billion dollars since the start of the turmoil. The newly introduced monetary aid will feed Syrian refugees dwelling in Turkey and in other nearby nations, along with defenseless people in Syria.

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