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Flambouraris: Early elections soon a possibility

Greece may soon be forced to resort to elections once again, Minister of State Alekos Flambouraris said, in an interview with the newspaper "Epochi".

"Elections, like a referendum, are a democratic process that is necessary when there are problems, so that the people can provide an answer to them. It is possible, therefore, that we will soon have to go to elections," he said in the interview published on Saturday.
He noted that elections became necessary when there were forced changes of policy direction or when a part of the ruling majority lost confidence in the government.
"Let us not demonise the process. This is what the right has always done, in order to remain in power. The Left, however, has a different culture," he added.
He said that SYRIZA will have to hold a conference to decide the policy platform on which it will seek to be elected, adapted to the new conditions, through an open procedure that included the social forces that had elected the party.
Flambouraris also criticised the party rebels that refused to support the government in Parliament, saying their suspension of confidence could not be understood.
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