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Tsipras: ‘We ask for a strong mandate for the Left to govern’

The leader of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, asked Greeks to grant him a strong mandate in the upcoming elections to give the Left a chance to govern, during a campaign speech in the town of Komotini, in northern Greece on Monday night. 

"People are standing on their feet; we’re all standing and claiming, not a second chance, as it is usually said, but a first chance. A first chance for the Left to finally govern. Because the first period which lasted only seven months, the opportunities to govern were very few,” he told the crowd. 

Continuing his speech, he noted that SYRIZA’s program is not the product of a party mechanism, or of some people who are cut off from the people and their agonies. “It’s the road map of liberation we propose to the people. And we ask for a strong mandate and an even stronger participation to walk the new difficult road.” 
He said that despite the difficulties and the adversity, the government managed to show the kind of changes it wants and can make.
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