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Tsipras: Society expects huge changes

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras opened on Tuesday the cabinet meeting opened  with a speech, in which according to sources stressed the need for huge reforms and underlined that it would be a catastrophe if the government simply remained stuck to the implementation of the memorandum

The society expects huge changes and the government must, despite the huge difficulties, leave its mark on history by changing structures and attitudes.
Our aim is, said Tsipras, to make deep reforms and not just to win the communication game. Our reform effort will be directed to the public administration, the health system, the restoration of the labour relations, the tackling of black labour and the battle against corruption.
Referring to Monday's Eurogroup meeting, he underlined that the result proves that the government can meet its targets through harsh negotiation. "And this will be achieves through deliberations with our partners and building alliances," said Tsipras.

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