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FAZ compares Tsipras with Erdogan: Puts media under control

The auction of broadcasting licenses in Greece was criticized in an article in the German newspaper FAZ, entitled "If you don't pay ransom you will be closed."

The subtitle of the article was "The government not only in Turkey brought the media under control: The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras made a slave of broadcasting, auctioning few television licenses for millions" said the German outlet making a direct comparison of the Tsipras government manipulations for channels with the Erdogan regime in Turkey.

"When it comes to controlling the media one does not need to go to Turkey, but the Greek government under Alexis Tsipras is making every effort to gain influence on private TV channels,"  financial journalist, Tobias Piller wrote, among other things.

According to a report in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, «the Greek government seeks ways in which it can increase its influence on Greek TV. That was the purpose that the Greek Prime Minister reopened state media ERT, which conservative predecessors had closed. After seizing power in the state channel, the Tsipras government now seeks more influence in Greek private television. "

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