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Most Greeks see elections next year

Despite assurances from the Tsipras government that there will not be any snap elections, results from a public opinion poll suggests that the majority of Greeks are not convinced and believe otherwise.

According to the poll conducted by for Real News by MRB 63% of Greeks believe that early elections are likely next year and found that the majority of respondents felt that a rift between the leftist-led government and international creditors, as well as growing public discontent, will lead to early elections in 2017.

There was widespread pessimism evident in the poll with people asked to identify words that best describe how they feel with 63.1% of respondents choosing “worry,” 47.9% “fear,” 29.7% “anger” and 24.35 “shame.”

The majority of respondents (77%) said that they do not believe they will be able to maintain the same standard of living next year compared to this, and seven in 10 respondents aged 18 to 24 said they would emigrate if the opportunity presented itself.

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