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Proto Thema poll: Greeks question implementation of countermeasures

Major Greek conservative opposition party New Democracy (ND) has solidified a notable lead against ruling leftist SYRIZA, according to a poll conducted by Marc for Proto Thema newspaper.

32.3% of respondents said they would vote for ND if national elections were held, compared to 15.7% who replied they would support SYRIZA. Extreme-right Golden Dawn (GD) are tied in third spot with the communist party (KKE) with 7.1%, followed by Democratic Alignment (former-PASOK) with 5.8% and Union Centrists with 3%, while minor coalition government partners ANEL failed to make the 3% threshold (2.4%) required to be represented in Greek parliament.

A sizeable 65% of those polled doubted whether the countermeasures the government included in the 4th memorandum to ameliorate the effects of the austerity measures would be implemented, with even a substantial 49% of SYRIZA voters questioning they would take effect.

Only 1 in 10 Greeks consider the deal reached with Greece’s creditors positive, while the findings revealed that a mere 12% of Greeks believed the economy would recover, compared to 72% who predicted the economic situation would deteriorate.

Voters seemed divided as to whether ND would have brought a better deal for the country, with 42.4% expressing the view that it would have been effectively the same.

ND leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis leads his opponent Greek PM Alexis Tsipras on the question who would be more suitable as PM with 35.6% against 19.5%, while 74% believed the countermeasures were insignificant.







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