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Push comes to shove between Potami leader and erstwhile comrade

Featured Push comes to shove between Potami leader and erstwhile comrade

An intense verbal episode that ended with shoving, was noted in parliament, a few minutes after Stavros Theodorakis's speech.

His former companion in Potami, Grigoris Psarianos, approached Stavros Theodorakis in the peristyle, who had just announced earlier this week's revelations about who "killed the Potami parliamentary group."

Grigoris Psarianos shouted "shame" to Theodorakis, who answered "you go your way, and I'll go my way". At this point, according to eyewitnesses, Psarianos pushed Theodorakis.

Eyewitnesses describe the episode as follows:

Psarianos approached Theodorakis after his speech. He found him in the Hall of Parliament near the offices of Potami. Then he said to him: Shame, I want to talk now. To clarify some things

Theodorakis replied: We have nothing to say now. The answer, according to eyewitnesses, was in intense style and he was quite annoyed. Then, according to those present, some MPs came between them so that they would calm down.

Giorgos Mavrotas and executives of Potami were also present. According to eyewitnesses, going to his office, Stavros Theodorakis said "scum". It is noted that the two protagonists did not admit that there was a push, as reported by the witnesses of the intense episode.

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