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Turkey's ultimate provocation to Greece: Research on Greek continental shelf planned for major religious holiday

Featured Turkey's ultimate provocation to Greece: Research on Greek continental shelf planned for major religious holiday

Turkey is planning hydrocarbon research on the Greek continental shelf and specifically in the wider region south of Kastellorizo.

According to a report published by Kathimerini, TPAO, Turkey's state-owned petroleum company is reportedly requesting from Turkish Navy headquarters permission to conduct seismic surveys in an area ranging from the 28th to the 29th meridian that starts from the south of Rhodes and beyond Kastelorizo, after 15 August.

Note that at that date, the mission of the "Oruc Reis" research vessel in the Marmara Sea will have been completed, and it could be used in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Athens keeps track of developments noting that it is vigilant and with the Greek Defense Secretary clarifying that "we are working on many scenarios concerning possible developments".

It must be noted that the situation with Turkey regarding the Cyprus EEZ is tense, after Ankara's decision to start drilling east of the island.

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