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Tsipras: However bad, bailout deal must be implemented

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras defended a bailout deal struck at a euro zone summit, saying that although it had been "a bad night for Europe" and "imposed" on Greece, the agreement saved it from exiting the euro and must be implemented.

It was a level headed and low key interview, revealing a side of the PM rarely seen in public. Setting aside his usual populistic and trademark left wing rhetoric, Tsipras sounded responsible in his assessments of the negotiation, at times carrying even a hint of self criticism.

"I am fully assuming my responsibilities, for mistakes and for oversights, and for the responsibility of signing a text that I do not believe in, but that I am obliged to implement," Tsipras said in his interview on state television.

Tsipras said he had fought a battle not to cut wages and pensions, adding that the fiscal adjustment agreed in the deal was milder than adjustments agreed to in the past.

Tsipras, who faces strong discontent within his SYRIZA party over the deal, said Greece must stick to the fiscal adjustment the deal foresees and added that he intends to serve a full four-year term, ruling out early elections.

"I won't escape these responsibilities and will try to implement my political programme over a four-year period," he said. He didn't clear things up concerning what will happen to dissidents in his own party, said that he didn't believe in throwing MPs off his party, but added that everyone is responsible for their own action.


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