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Autumn means a host of taxes

With the advent of autumn and the end of summer vacations, Greeks will be facing the bitter realities of bloated bills and taxes.

Here is a list of what Greek households should expect to pay from September onwards:

-Unified property tax (ENFIA). It will be paid in 5 instalments (the first one in October), instead of last year’s 6-7 instalments.

-Farmers: A hike in diesel fuel. A rise in tax downpayment from 27.7% to 55%.

-Freelance professionals: An increase in tax downpayment from 55% to 75%.

-Businesses: The 26% preventative downpayment for transactions with countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus) under a privileged provisions is scrapped.

-VAT: Beef is set at 13% (from 23%). Private schools will be burdened with 23%, excluding pre-school establishments. Abolition of reduced coefficients for islands.

-Income seizure: The threshold for income seizure is reduced from 1,500 Euros to 1,000 for pensions, salaries and other retirement benefits.

-Tax payment: The 2% discount on immediate settlements is abolished.

-100 payment instalments: A hike of the interest rate from 3% to 5% for debts over 5,000 Euro, for individuals whose objective property value exceeds 150,000 Euros or their debt is not over 50% of their income. People who miss an overdue payment or fail to make arrangements on overdue debts within 3 months will not be eligible for inclusion in the 100 payment provision.

-Solidarity contribution: A reduction of the tax-free limit of 12,000 Euros. 

-Exemptions: Abolition of exceptions for a number of businesses.

-Inheritance and parental benefits: Revision of current provisions.

-Proof of living conditions: Radical overhaul before 2016.

-Automobiles: 150 Euro fines for failing to pass auto suitability tests for over 6 months.

-OPAP betting agency: The discount on precarious demands up to 1.5% is abolished on agent sales.

-Rent: A rise in the taxation coefficients from 1% to 15% for revenue below 12,000 Euros generated from leasing. A rise from 33% to 35% for revenues over 12,000 Euros.

-Merchant marine: A limitation of tax exemptions.  

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