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Lafazanis on radical change to nonexistent crowd

Head of the Popular Unity party Panagiotis Lafazanis attacked SYRIZA and its leadership from the pogium of the main election party gathering in Thessaloniki, in the harbor area, talking to, what was basically, an empty square!

SYRIZA has "mutated" into a party "resembling a systemic party," since they penned the new Memorandum and denied the hopes that had been cultivated in the Greek people, said Panagiotis Lafazanis.

He expressed confidence that the election results will be a "big positive surprise" for Popular Unity and noted that the party comes from afar and wants to go very far.

Its vision is a new socialism of the 21st century and therefore it will struggle to demolish the walls imposed by the memorandums.

As for the attitude of members who left SYRIZA and formed Popular Unity he said:

"We gave an example of selflessness, we do not seek appointments, positions are not our goal; nor government power."

Commenting on SYRIZA he said "it has mutated into a new "leader-led" party, where the president is a captain", while for the Popular Unity he stressed that "it is not the party of Lafazans, it is a collective, a democratic political force."

Panagiotis Lafazanis called it "tragic" that his party is characterized as "drachmistes" (drachma-lovers) because it denotes "servitude" and noted that for Popular Unity currency is not a fetish, nor a religion, nor a vision.

"We are not drachmistes, as others are evrolagnoi (euro-lovers)" he said and spoke of a "German dictatorship in the Eurozone."

The chairman of the Popular Unity party emphasized that the "no" in the referendum was not defeated, despite the "turn towards memorandums" that Syriza took and said:

"We will not agree to a new Varkiza [aWWII agreement between Greek partisan units not to wage civil war and come under Allied control that was never adhered to], a new Lebanon {another such agreement} is not going to desert, to disappoint the peoples' hopes."

The head of the Popular Unity party presented the party's positions on debt cancellation, elimination of memorandum measures and privatization, he called against the "sell out" of the ports of Piraeus and Thessaloniki and was in favor of immediate and complete abolition of the ENFIA property tax the and the immediate nationalization banks.

The 'Tsipras or Meimarakis' dilemma is misleading because both have the same program that is just a new memorandum said Lafazanis.

Unfortunately, proof of truth and the power of technology here's the photo documentary posted on Facebook, the time of the speech by Panagiotis Lafazani needs no comments ...

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