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Paramedics from Hell humiliate Greek football

 Stretcher-bearers are supposed to be helpers on a football pitch, a small beacon of hope for a player struck down by some form of injury. This was not the case fo injured Ergotelis midfielder Leonardo Koutris.

However, a pair of strecher-bearers did exactly the opposite of helping in the Greek Second Division this weekend. When Ergotelis midfielder Leonardo Koutris went down injured during their game against AE Larissa, he was loaded with the least amount of delicacy possible onto a stretcher, and it all went downhill from there.

The ‘helpers’ tried to take Koutris off the pitch with some haste, only for one to trip over and thus drop him on the pitch, then trip over again and this time land on the helpless player, who was gradually slipping off the stretcher as the farce continued.

They eventually got Koutris off the pitch, but offered a final indignity by simply dumping him on the ground, with little obvious concern for his apparent injury, calling him names and

These guys were clearly AE Larissa’s fans.

And to cap things for Koutris, his side lost 2-1.


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