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PM Mitsotakis: The little souls of the world can't become victims of the guilty of the world

Featured PM Mitsotakis: The little souls of the world can't become victims of the guilty of the world

"We all recognise the national challenge of the migration issue that Greece is facing" said Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in an intervention on Sunday on the care of the unaccompanied children that are in Greece with the programme "No Child Alone".

"The problems on the islands are also known as well as the government's organised initiatives with the support of all the Greek people. The major responsibilities of our neighbours and of Europe are also visible on a European problem that takes place in the eastern part of our continent" stated Mitsotakis.

However, he said, "There is a wound that we can close immediately by ourselves because it is dictated by the civilisation, the humanity, the sensibility and also by our tradition. I speak of the protection of the minors that are here unaccompanied, alone without anyone and without any hope. We can't let them be lost in the exploitation and the crime. These little souls of the world can't become victims of the guilty of this world. For this reason, I personally take over their case and concentrate all jurisdictions to the prime minister's office".

Mitsotakis said that the government will cooperate with the European Union and with international organisations, NGO's, agencies and institutions that are interested. "All together we will succeed more. I start with a strict warning.

Those criminals who torture and take advantage of children should be aware that the state will chase them relentlessly and will punish them without any mercy and will save these innocent creatures from their hands" he clarified.
Meanwhile, the prime minister said that hosting centres for the 4,000 children that live in Greece will be formed as quickly as possible.

"Every centre will host small groups that will be fed and live according to their age with the help of teachers, doctors, psychologists and with the warmth that, unfortunately, do not have from their parents. The key role in this effort will hold two real representatives of the society of citizens. As national coordinator I chose a woman with education, knowledge and huge experience in the human pain, Irini Agapidaki. By her side will be a stable supporter of the rule of law and of the human dignity, the writer Apostolos Doxiadis. Today Greece gives first the slogan of humanity: No Child Alone.

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