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Mitsotakis visit will aim to highlight Greece's role as a fundamental factor for stability, reliable U.S. ally

Featured Mitsotakis visit will aim to highlight Greece's role as a fundamental factor for stability, reliable U.S. ally

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is due to arrive in the United States on Sunday evening, landing in Tarpon Springs, Florida to meet with members of the expatriate Greek community. The prime minister is to have a busy schedule of meetings in the United States until Wednesday, including a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday.

Mitsotakis will celebrate Epiphany in Florida on Monday before departing for Washington for the meeting with Trump at the White House.

According to government sources, the prime minister's visit aims to highlight Greece's fundamental role for the stability of the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean, as the centre of both regions, and also as the most reliable ally of the United States.

The prime minister's visit to Washington will additionally have a significant economic aspect as he is scheduled to meet with investors on Wednesday and the head of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva.
His visit to Tarpon Springs, where there is a sizeable Greek community, comes almost a full century after the previous visit to the area by a Greek prime minister, when Eleftherios Venizelos visited on January 30, 1922.

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