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Greece, Russia pondering "European Pilgrimage Route"

Greece may be joining Russia in the creation of a European pilgrimage route bringing Serbia on board as well, Russian Deputy Culture Minister Alla Manilova said last week, adding that the project will be implemented as part of cooperation with the Council of Europe.

Ms Manilova said she had discussed the issue with Greek Alternate Tourism Minister Elena Kountoura, who agreed on the initiative. The idea comes after the Greek Tourism Ministry and Russia’s Federal Tourism Agency (Rostourism) signed an agreement to encourage mutual tourist flow, simplify tourism-related formalities, and establish contacts between Russian and Greek travel operators including a series of joint actions to promote tourist exchanges over the next two years.

“Religious and pilgrimage tourism is a key priority”, Ms Kountoura said earlier last month addressing the Greek-Russian Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism Conference — within the framework of the ongoing Greece-Russia Cross-year events – held in Lagonissi. The event included presentations on pilgrimage routes in Greece and Russia. The minister added that many markets have already expressed interest in religious and pilgrimage tours at Greek destinations.

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