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Hoteliers in eastern Aegean islands cut prices to attract Greek tourists

Hoteliers in Samos, Lesvos, Chios, Kos and Leros, the islands most affected by the refugee crisis last year, are slashing prices for rooms and tourist packages by up to 50 percent for Greek tourists who will visit from August 20 until the end of October, in a bid to reverse a large drop in tourism arrivals on these islands.

Responding to a proposal by Alternate Minister of Tourism Elena Kountoura to boost domestic tourism before the end of the tourist season, the union of hoteliers cooperated with their members on these islands to attract tourists who choose September and October for their holidays.
The Athens-Macedonian news agency is contributing to the program by producing promotional videos which will be shown abroad by foreign media and on the internet to reach the widest possible travel audience.

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