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Culinary event with chef extraordinaire Maria Loi

Featured Culinary event with chef extraordinaire Maria Loi

Guests had the opportunity to enjoy delicious food while learning about the health and wellness benefits of their ingredientsat the event, entitled "Food for Longevity: The Secrets of Cyprus and Greece", which took place on Friday 14 June at "Loi Estiatorio" in New York.

The event was organized by the Cypriot American Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Republic of Cyprus Office of Economic and Commercial Affairs in New York, the Yale University School of Public Health and Chef Maria Loi, a.k.a. the Greek Julia Childs.

The aim was to look at Greek culture through the culinary worlds of Greece and Cyprus with a presentation by Chef Loi and Yale University School of Public Health Professor Tassos Kyriakides, who discussed the health benefits and importance of these ingredients from ancient times to the present day.

The chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus-American Chamber of Commerce, Nicholas Nikolaou, gave the welcome, noting that "we are here to enjoy great Greek-Cypriot food, to learn about it and to have fun." He added that Commandaria, the sweet dessert wine of Cyprus, was a surprise sponsored by the Commercial Envoy of Cyprus, Aristos Constantinou, who was among those present.

Chef Loi warmly welcomed all the guests and noted that "we are all Greeks, we must be united", adding that "I grew up in Greece, but I love Cyprus". He underlined that "we, the Greeks, know how to eat... and when I hear 'Mediterranean' diet, I say... 'it's the Greek diet'".

The Commercial Envoy of Cyprus, Aristos Constantinou, also expressed his greetings, welcoming and thanking everyone for their presence.

Professor Kyriakidis and Chef Loi then discussed the ingredients in the arugula, halloumi, fig and walnut salad which was one of the appetizers enjoyed by the guests. According to Greek mythology, figs were a gift from the ancient Greek goddess Demeter to Dionysus, the god of wine, Professor Kyriakidis noted, adding that figs are rich in potassium which can help lower blood pressure.