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New extrajudicial mechanism for debt settlement

Economy Minister Giorgos Stathakis in an interview with the Athens - Macedonian News Agency on Sunday announced a series of actions to boost entrepreneurship in Greece, attracting new investments and completing the institutional framework for the settlement of bad business loans as well as the debts of entrepreneurs and self-employed in the public and social security funds.

On non-performing loans, he said that "we are at the final stage of completing the institutional framework for a new extrajudicial mechanism for the settlement of businesses and self-employed debts, based on objective, transparent and acceptable criteria."

Regarding market liquidity, Stathakis said that 3.5 billion euros from the state debt to the private sector will have been paid by the end of the year and another 2 billion euros in 2017.

As regards the NSRF, a 50 percent of the programmes will have been activated by the end of September along with actions of total budget of 370 million euros for business partnerships with research institutes to promote investment in research and innovation.

On the implementation of the prior actions that will unlock the disbursement of the 2.8 billion euro loan sub-tranche, Stathakis noted that all issues related to the Economy Ministry will be fully 'covered.'

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