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Tsipras: The return to growth is not a dead letter but a reality

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras who is visiting the city of Kalamata announced the start of a dialogue in 2017 with aim the planning of the reconstruction of every region of the country.

He called the city of Kalamata, a city with history and potential due to the tourism and the exceptional farming products. Tsipras noted that Moreas motorway is the first major motorway that is delivered in total noting that this is not self-evident because "when we became government the works were at a standstill for two years and we would lose the funds and pay a fine" We included Moreas motorway in NSRF, said Tsipras. "It is a message that this marginal return to growth in 2016 and the further growth in 2017 is not a dead letter but a reality" noted Tsipras adding that we are at a crucial point, on the threshold of growth and this will be carried out through the development of the country's major productive potential. 

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