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Hellenic merchant marine fleet valued at $100bln

According to VesselsValue maritime assessors, the value of the Greek-owned fleet is estimated at 99.5 billion dollars.

Most of this value comes from tankers ($ 36 billion), followed by dry bulk carriers (35.75 billion) and liquefied natural gas or LNG (13.5 billion) vessels.
Kathimerini newspaper reports that this fleet is also burdened with loans for acquisition or construction, which is estimated by market participants to exceed 50% of its total value.

The Japanese is ranked second with a total value of 89,122 billion dollars, followed by the Chinese with 83,544 billion. The values ​​of both Greek and other fleets record data at the end of 2017 and appear to have increased significantly over the previous year.

"The strong commitment of Greek shipowners to global shipping markets seems unlikely to change, as others, like Germany, are liquidating assets. The trend in Chinese ownership is rising as state-owned companies are consolidating and placing new orders. This is a reminder that there are always new suitors for the throne of maximum market value," notes VesselsValue.

According to VesselsValue, the Greek-owned fleet has 4,574 vessels of which:

50% is a bulk dry bulk carrier,
33% crude oil tankers and products
9% container transport.
The fleet also includes 75 liquefied natural gas tankers,
144 gas transport,
133 small vans as well as many more offshore hydrocarbon extraction vessels.

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