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Tsipras: Historic agreement to rationalize church-state relations

"Today we are facing a framework of a historic agreement for the benefit of both sides," Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced in his statements with Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, Mr. Ieronymos.

In the Joint Statement of the Church-State which the Prime Minister and Archbishop Ieronymos concluded and which was read by Mr. Tsipras, it is stated that "our aim is to set the framework for the settlement and resolution of historical issues, but also to strengthen the autonomy of the Church of Greece towards Greek State, recognizing its contribution and its historical role in the birth and the formation of its identity ".

As what i foreseen by the Jointly Announced State Church agreement, read by the Prime Minister, it is stated inter alia that "the Greek State and the Church of Greece decide to create a Fund for the Exploitation of Ecclesiastical Property". "This fund will be managed by a five-member board. Two members of the Fund will be appointed by the Church of Greece, two members appointed by the Greek Government, and one member appointed jointly. The Ecclesiastical Property Development Fund will undertake the management and exploitation of the property that has already been under dispute between the Greek State and the Church of Greece since 1952, as well as any property of the Church that it will voluntarily wish to grant to this Fund for exploittion."

"Today we are trying to take a historic step forward for the benefit of the State and the Church," said Alexis Tsipras.

The PM assured the Archbishop that the forthcoming Constitutional Reform and in particular the changes in Article 3 are aimed at upgrading the distinct role of the Church, enhancing its autonomy while recognizing its significant contribution to the birth and formation of the Greek state.

The proclamation of the religious neutrality of the Greek state ensures, on the one hand, the distinct roles between the State and the Church and, on the other hand, guarantees cooperation between them on issues of common interest, the prime minister said.

"And obviously this principle does not contradict the long-standing traditions of our people, and of course they have no basis as much funny as I would say commotically, some have falsely and deliberately spread over the last few days about imminent supposedly discarding of historical symbols Cross from the Greek flag and from our national symbols," continued  Tsipras.

"Our dialogue with the Church of Greece was and is always sincere and will be lasting," said Alexis Tsipras.

"We listen to her views and reservations, and like all the parties and representatives of our people in the National Delegation, we will all together take into consideration the thoughts and proposals that will be tabled during the parliamentary process and dialogue the Constitution itself provides for its Revision process, " he said.

"I have the feeling that today is actually a historic step. All historic steps forward require a vision and a willingness for mutual understanding," he said.

The Prime Minister said that every step forward certainly is not without difficulty, "but we are all judged by the results we create and the intentions and by what we transmit. and this meeting, I want to believe emits mutual respect, mutual understanding, love and it also sends out the intent let us go one step ahead with respect for each other. "

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