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New collective labor agreement

It may be the fastest negotiations between employers and employees in the history of Greece, but it's no surprise. In the very first meeting ten days ago, the determination for a new Collective Labor contract was expressed in various ways.

With the Troika auditors preying on labor relations and applying pressure for further liberalizations, the social partners were in a hurry to seal a deal, however imperfect. So, five days before the official end of the month deadline, the contract was signed and announced in fanfare.

This has been one circumstance where the threat of the Troika worked to the benefit of social peace

President of the National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce (ESEE) Vasilis Korkides talked about a “very important deal, in spite of an unseemly recession and restrictions in collective autonomy imposed by a strict legal framework”. He added that unemployment will not be dealt with effectively, however much labor rights subside, unless employers and employees reach a consensus. “The unreasonable cuts in employees salaries have ended today with the partners' agreement, especially given that the marriage allowance has been preserved”, he said nodding to one of the workers' union major demands.

Korkides pointed out that only with vigilance in current work issues can there be an effective strike against undocumented labor and a promotion of work subsidies and job training to apply to the needs of the ever changing work market.

This is the conclusion of an extraordinary solidarity between traditionally opposing sides, with employers and employees disagreeing with the Troika market liberalization extremities and agreeing on the basics of a Labor Contract in record time.

Details of the agreement will be announced later, but all indications are that the contract is balanced and as fair as can be, given the circumstances. If only all social partners' negotiations were as smooth as this one. This has been one circumstance where the Troika “boogeyman” worked for the benefit of social peace.

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