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"Don't Kill the Internet" Petition Plea

Democracy for America's Senior Campaign Manager Robert Cruickshank is calling on Americans to combat the destruction of Net Neutrality.

The Campaign Manager is urging citizens to sign his organization's petition to President Obama and: "Get off the fence on Net Neutrality".

To sign Democracy for America's appeal, please visit:


The full text of Cruickshank's message can be found below:

"Late last week, President Obama's recently appointed Federal Communications Committee Chairman Tom Wheeler proposed new rules that would give corporate internet providers the green light to build fast lanes for the rich and slow lanes for everybody else. If they are implemented as-is, these rules would destroy Net Neutrality forever.

But in response to the huge public backlash against their proposal -- including more than 100,000 signatures from Democracy for America members opposing the new rules -- the FCC left a second option on the table. They are signalling that they might consider reclassifying broadband as a utility that could be regulated in order to keep it free and open permanently. The FCC has asked the public to help them decide which option to go with: A two-tiered internet that favors the wealthy or a regulated internet that puts everyone on level playing ground.

Democracy for America members across the country have already been weighing in. You've signed petitions, written emails and shut down the FCC phone lines with calls demanding protection of the internet as we know it -- and we're only just beginning to fight. But we've noticed that one prominent voice has been missing from the debate, one that could really grab people's attention and light a fire under the FCC: President Obama's. That's why we're joining with several awesome progressive organizations to call on the president to take a stand against the corporate takeover of our internet.

Click here to join Democracy for America, CREDO, Demand Progress, and Color of Change to tell President Obama: Don't kill the internet. Lead on Net Neutrality and endorse reclassifying broadband today.

When he was on the campaign trail, President Obama promised time and time again that he would be a champion of Net Neutrality. But in response to last week's FCC vote, the president only issued a vague statement saying he would "carefully review their proposal" and "will consider any option that might make sense."

We need to help President Obama understand that there is only one option that truly and permanently protects Net Neutrality: reversing the terrible Bush-era decision to deregulate broadband. Anything short of that leaves the door open for future corporate deals that would give better service to those who could afford to pay for it and less access to those of us who couldn't.

Organizing based on access to a free and open internet was the backbone President Obama's campaign, so we know he understands first-hand the value of Net Neutrality. We don't have a lot of time to change the minds of the FCC. President Obama should join us and use the bully pulpit we gave him when we elected him to get everyone involved in this fight before we lose the internet as we know it for good.

Join with Democracy for America, CREDO, Demand Progress, and Color of Change to tell President Obama: It's time to get off the fence. Don't kill the internet. Support reclassifying broadband now.

Thank you for helping us hold our president accountable for the campaign promises he's made. The future of the internet might depend on it."

- Robert
Robert Cruickshank, Senior Campaign Manager
Democracy for America

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