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Employment Study Reveals Cyprus' Gay Stance

A UK study has determined that openly gay men and women in Cyprus are approximately 40% less likely to score interviews, in comparison to straight applicants, as reported by Kathimerini.

Cambridge based Anglia Ruskin University conducted a study directed by Economics Professor Nick Drydakis, which submitted over 9,000 applications from four fabricated 30-year-old job seekers. The fictional two men and two women applicants applied to job openings posted on web employment portals in Cyprus.

Each CV was a mirror image of the others, expect in the "interest" portion. Each male and female on one version stated Cypriot Homosexual Association activity, while the others stated environmental charity work.

The lesbian profiles were contacted for interviews by businesses that offer an average of 5.8% less in earnings, compared to the heterosexual profile's interview opportunities. A 9.2% decrease was revealed for the gay men's profiles. Professor Drydakis stated that various European nations have discriminated against homosexuals, with an approximate 25% rate in Greece and a 6% rate in Sweden.

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