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Mitsotakis: Greece needs modern, autonomous universities

Greece needs modern, autonomous universities that will serve an open society, New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in an article published in "Kathimerini" newspaper's Sunday edition and urged people to block a government bill on universities which he said will "turn back the clock many years". 

"The walls that some are rushing to build, we will break them down, and give universities back to the students and professors. Not to university party cadres and the unions that have been using them for their own advantage for decades," he was quoted as saying.
Mitsotakis said tertiary education in Greece has three obvious problems: "First, limited funding, not just in terms of government subsidy, but also in the ability of universities to find financial resources. A second problem are the poor condition of the infrastructure and the operating conditions of the university building complexes. The third problem is the suffocating operational framework of universities, which often reaches the point of virtually abolishing their autonomy and autonomy," he said. 
Instead of fixing these problems, he continued, the government is doing all it can to increase the power of political parties in the universities by re-establishing student participation in management bodies. "And with representatives who will not be elected by a universal vote but will be nominated by student factions," he added. 

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